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Kip Petroff is a lawyer located in Dallas, TX. He is currently focusing on representing people injured by Smith & Nephew hip implants.  If you think you might have a legal claim due to your Smith & Nephew hip implant surgery, please contact Kip today.


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Smith & Nephew Timeline of Events

Timeline of Smith & Nephew Corporate Actions and Items Leading to Legal Issue:

This timeline is dedicated entirely to tracking Smith & Nephew’s (S&N) involvement with metal hip implants until the FDA yanked metal hip implants from the market in February 2016. It includes color coding to make it easier to track certain aspects of the company’s dubious involvement in selling metal hips in the U.S.

Color Legend: FDA Regulation (blue)FDA MoM Activity (green)Foreign Regulatory Activity (gray) | S&N Activity (purple)Criminal Activity (orange)

Click anywhere on the timeline below to interact with it.  You may zoom in/out and scroll up/down to view more events.
Clicking on any event will open more details and you can then toggle forward or backward through all events.